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Image of Children's Gardening Gloves - Mickey&Friends

Children's Gardening Gloves - Mickey&Friends

Keep children hands clean and dirt free when they're out in the garden with this adorable set of Disney Mickey Mouse and Friends gardening gloves. Made from 100% sustainably sourced cotton, these gloves feature a colourful polka dot design with ch...

Image of Chile Pequin Bird Eye Hot Pepper 40 Fresh Seeds

Chile Pequin Bird Eye Hot Pepper 40 Fresh Seeds

Description : Chile Pequin Bird Eye Hot Pepper 40 Fresh Seeds They like full sun or partial shade. Can be started indoors in winter to be transplanted outdoors in spring or can be sown directly into the ground in spring, summer and fall. For detai...

Image of Chile Pequin Bird Eye Hot Pepper Seeds. (40+ Seeds) Fresh Garden

Chile Pequin Bird Eye Hot Pepper Seeds. (40+ Seeds) Fresh Garden

We only ship in the U.S. ALL SEED LOTS ARE TESTED FOR GERMINATION - 85% When you receive your seeds please leave a positive for us. If you have any problem at all no need to leave neutral or negative – message me and we will fix it Season of Inter...

Image of Chili Black Habanero

Chili Black Habanero

Chili Black Habanero Chili Seed ?Chili Black Habanero is a new chili that was bred in 2010. He is not the scariest, but one of the tastiest. This chili turns from light green to dark brown, between 5 - 15 cm long and resembles a mini Anaheim or...

Image of Chili Carolina Reaper

Chili Carolina Reaper

The Carolina Reaper is a cultivar of the Capsicum chinense plant. Developed by South Carolina breeder Ed Currie, the pepper is red and gnarled, with a bumpy texture and small pointed tail. In 2013, Guinness World Records declared it the hottest...

Image of Chili Devils Tongue Red

Chili Devils Tongue Red

Chili Devils Tongue Red Chili Seed ?Chili Devil's Tongue - Devil's Tongue is a high-calorie chili variety. The fruits are wide and big, with a thick skin. Like chili fatalii red, this chili developed from its yellow strain. Sometimes yellow or ...

Image of Chili Jamaican Red Mushroom

Chili Jamaican Red Mushroom

Jamaican Red Mushroom-Also called Red squash pepper although there are other squash type capsicum annum types that grow in Jamaica and parts of the Caribbean. It has the heat level of a Scotch Bonnet but can grow larger. It can even be stuffed!...

Image of Chili King Naga

Chili King Naga

Chili King Naga Chili Seeds ?Chili King Naga comes from southeastern India and Bangladesh. He is the biggest of the Naga family. Some Bhut Jolokia pods may be a bit longer but are not as wide and heavy. The spiciness and the taste are similar t...

Image of Chili Naranja Picante Habanero

Chili Naranja Picante Habanero

Chili Naranja Picante Habanero - These peppers have a great habanero heat with a nice fruity flavor. Really delicious but heat not overpowering. Peppers are elongated and look like a small orange version of a Chile Fatalii or Chile Bhut Jolokia...

Image of Chili Pepper Spicy Heat Healthy Vegetable Cookie Cutter 3D Printed USA PR634

Chili Pepper Spicy Heat Healthy Vegetable Cookie Cutter 3D Printed USA PR634

Let our in-house design team take your vision from concept to reality. You'll Never Guess how affordable it is. We 3D print in plastic, wood, metal, and more. Contact us today for a free consultation! -------------------------------------- Ch...