The Tank Whiskey Glasses from British designer Tom Dixon. Crafted from handmade, mouth-blown glass, the pieces are created through a complex fusion of clear and black glass resulting in unique pieces featuring black and smokey hues and curvaceous, tactile...
The Tank Wine Glasses from British industrial designer Tom Dixon. Crafted from handmade, mouth blown glass, the set of two glasses are created through a complex fusion of clear and black glass that involves stretching the glass, resulting in a smokey...
Generously-proportioned pair of wine glasses from British industrial designer, Tom Dixon. Made from mouth-blown clear glass, the set of two Tank wine glasses are designed with gentle curves and a conical stem with hand-painted copper detailing. The glassware...
To celebrate Tom Dixon’s 20th anniversary, we launch a Elements limited-edition range featuring a platinum applied design on the Earth medium candle vessel. Earth is a mysterious concoction of mint, guaiac wood and cedar wood creating a rich and mossy...