Delve into the unique world of The LEGO Ninjago Movie with its unique look and feel combining the animation and locations of The LEGO Movie with real world and true scale environments and locations. Players get to explore this beautiful macro world as...
In the game, players battle their way through waves of enemies with honour and skill as their favourite ninjas Read More Below.....
Build and play without limits withLEGOWorlds!. LEGOWorldsis a digital LEGO play experience where any creation is possible. Fans of all ages can create and customize their own LEGO world, explore and discover unexpected treasures and share creations with...
Build and play without limits with LEGO Worlds!. Key Features:. Alter any of the procedurally generated digital world using convenient landscaping tools and prefabricated LOGO structures to build whatever you imagine. Discover hidden treasures in environments...
In LEGO® Worlds, players uncover hidden treasures in environments that range from fun to the fantastical, where worlds come to life with a dizzying variety of vehicles and creatures – from cowboys riding giraffes to vampires scaring Yetis, to...
Join the Chase! LEGO® CITY Undercover is coming to current and new generation consoles for the first time. In one of the most expansive LEGO videogames to date, players become Chase McCain, a police officer who goes undercover to hunt down the...
LEGO Harry Potter Collection brings LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 and LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 to Nintendo Switch for the first time with both top-selling videogames remastered on one disc. LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 is based on the first four books...
Following the epic storylines of Jurassic Park, The Lost World: Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park III, as well as the highly anticipated Jurassic World, LEGO® Jurassic World™ is the first videogame where players will be able to relive and...
LEGO® Marvel Super Heroes 2 is an all-new, original epic adventure and sequel to the smash hit, LEGO® Marvel Super Heroes. Bringing together iconic Marvel Super Heroes and Super Villains from different eras and realities, this original branching...
Delve into the unique world of The LEGO Ninjago Movie with its unique look and feel combining the animation and locations of The LEGO Movie with real world and true scale environments and locations.Read more below......