DC Components 1N4148 Signal Diode - DC Components 1N4148 CT, The 1N4148 from DC Components is a high-speed switching diode that is fabricated in planar technology and encapsulated in a hermetically sealed glass DO-35 package. DC Components 1N4148 - Pack...
DC Components 1N4148 Signal Diode - DC Components 1N4148, The 1N4148 from DC Components is a high-speed switching diode that is fabricated in planar technology and encapsulated in a hermetically sealed glass DO-35 package. DC Components 1N4148 Signal...
DC Components 3A Standard Recovery Rectifier Diodes - DC Components 1N5401 CT, These miniature 3A silicon rectifier diodes from DC Components' 1N5400 series are housed in a DO-27 plastic package to UL 94V-0 flame retardance. DC Components 1N5401 3A 100V...
DC Components 3A Standard Recovery Rectifier Diodes - DC Components 1N5401, These miniature 3A silicon rectifier diodes from DC Components' 1N5400 series are housed in a DO-27 plastic package to UL 94V-0 flame retardance. DC Components 1N5401 Silicon...
DC Components 3A Standard Recovery Rectifier Diodes - DC Components 1N5402 CT, These miniature 3A silicon rectifier diodes from DC Components' 1N5400 series are housed in a DO-27 plastic package to UL 94V-0 flame retardance. DC Components 1N5402 3A 200V...
DC Components 3A Standard Recovery Rectifier Diodes - DC Components 1N5402, These miniature 3A silicon rectifier diodes from DC Components' 1N5400 series are housed in a DO-27 plastic package to UL 94V-0 flame retardance. DC Components 1N5402 Silicon...
DC Components 3A Standard Recovery Rectifier Diodes - DC Components 1N5404, These miniature 3A silicon rectifier diodes from DC Components' 1N5400 series are housed in a DO-27 plastic package to UL 94V-0 flame retardance. DC Components 1N5404 3A 400V...
DC Components 3A Standard Recovery Rectifier Diodes - DC Components 1N5406, These miniature 3A silicon rectifier diodes from DC Components' 1N5400 series are housed in a DO-27 plastic package to UL 94V-0 flame retardance. DC Components 1N5406 Rectifier...
DC Components 3A Standard Recovery Rectifier Diodes - DC Components 1N5406 CT, These miniature 3A silicon rectifier diodes from DC Components' 1N5400 series are housed in a DO-27 plastic package to UL 94V-0 flame retardance. DC Components 1N5406 Silicon...
DC Components 3A Standard Recovery Rectifier Diodes - DC Components 1N5408 CT, These miniature 3A silicon rectifier diodes from DC Components' 1N5400 series are housed in a DO-27 plastic package to UL 94V-0 flame retardance. DC Components 1N5408 3A 1000V...