IR transmitter diode for TSOP module 940 nm.
For universal use in IR-light barriers, remote controls, transmission systems.
Vishay TSOP IR Receiver Modules for Remote Control Systems - Vishay TSOP31233, A miniaturised infrared receiver module with a carrier frequency of 33kHz that has been designed for remote control systems. A PIN diode and a preamplfier are assembled on...
High package density due to integration of receiver diode, filter and preamp in a single housing. Daylight-insensitive, TTL and CMOS-compatible, low power requirement and high fault protection are characteristics of this range.
Vishay TSOP IR Receiver Modules for Remote Control Systems - Vishay TSOP31240, A miniaturised infrared receiver module with a carrier frequency of 40kHz that has been designed for remote control systems. A PIN diode and a preamplfier are assembled on...
High package density due to integration of receiver diode, filter and preamp in a single housing. Daylight-insensitive, TTL and CMOS-compatible, low power requirement and high fault protection are characteristics of this range.
Vishay TSOP IR Receiver Modules for Remote Control Systems - Vishay TSOP4833, A miniaturised infrared receiver module with a carrier frequency of 33kHz that has been designed for remote control systems. A PIN diode and a preamplfier are assembled on a...
High package density due to integration of receiver diode, filter and preamp in a single housing. Daylight-insensitive, TTL and CMOS-compatible, low power requirement and high fault protection are characteristics of this range.
Vishay TSOP IR Receiver Modules for Remote Control Systems - Vishay TSOP4836, A miniaturised infrared receiver module with a carrier frequency of 36kHz that has been designed for remote control systems. A PIN diode and a preamplfier are assembled on a...
High package density due to integration of receiver diode, filter and preamp in a single housing. Daylight-insensitive, TTL and CMOS-compatible, low power requirement and high fault protection are characteristics of this range.